Let’s make Eastleigh
a leafier place to live

We’re aiming to plant 160,000 more trees in Eastleigh Borough by the year 2030.

As part of Eastleigh Borough Council’s plan to tackle the climate and environmental emergency, we have announced our most ambitious tree planting target ever; 160,000 more trees will mean an additional tree for every person living in the Borough by the year 2030.

But we can’t achieve this target alone. We need the support of our local businesses, community organisations and residents to make Eastleigh a leafier place to live.

Hear more from Cllr Kyrle, Eastleigh Borough Council’s Cabinet member for the Environment.

Kid and father watering a young tree

Be a part of Plant Eastleigh - are we planting near you?

Join our Senior Rangers for Community Trees to help plant and maintain trees across the Borough, or you could simply be a Tree Carer and water the trees over the spring/summer months to help them establish. Find out where we are planting near you!

Children standing by a tree

Sponsor a tree

We want everyone in our community to get involved in this exciting project. You can help to establish or expand an area of woodland in the Borough for current and future generations to enjoy by sponsoring a tree.

Saplings growing at our tree nursery

What we’re doing

From our innovative council-run tree nursery in Horton Heath to our robust tree protection policies for developers, we’re sowing the seeds for a greener future.


“Every seed, every tree is a step in the right direction.”

— Adele Mellor, Horticulture Apprentice at our tree nursery